Touch detective 3 translation
Touch detective 3 translation

touch detective 3 translation

Skrivtolkning innebär tolkning från tal till skrift. Read more about Translating humorous elements in children's books - Astrid Lindgren's Bill Bergson books in English and German More specifically, it discusses the translation of several funny words and expressions, repetitions and exaggerations.It is shown that the humorous effects in the English translation are sometimes less obvious than in the German translation, even if both translated texts rendered the majority of humorous instances in a very funny way. This article analyses the ways in which such funny instances were dealt with in the English and German translations of the Bill Bergson books (original name: Kalle Blomkvist) by the Swedish author of children’s books Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002). The translation of slightly humorous items can also influence the whole literary work if such elements are used frequently. Research in the translation of humorous elements in children’s books is a complex subject, which cannot be reduced to studies of wordplay and of other highly humorous items. Read more about Zur Übersetzung von humoristischen Elementen in der Kinderliteratur The analysis, focussing on style contrasts, hyperboles and style parodies, shows, that the German translators have dealt with them very competently, and also with creativity however, in a number of such cases very expressive words and expressions have been muted, and the humour weakened. These works have an abundance of small humorous elements. In this study, the German translations of the three books by Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002) about the child detective Bill Bergson are studied. From the point of view of translation, they pose several different problems, since they have to be discovered, estimated, and often coped with in creative ways. Such elements include style contrasts, repetitions, the use of very exact words and expressions, hyperboles, style parodies, ironic expressions, and other. Elements that do not give any strong effects, may also characterize such literary works, when they appear very frequently. Humorous elements may evoke humorous effects of very different degrees.

Touch detective 3 translation